Deb is a Business Coach specializing in getting metaphysical businesses online and is a Tachyon Level Reiki Master.
Christine Gurganus, CMM (Certified Meditation Master), CLC (Certified Life Coach), LCE (Licensed Certified Empath), Certificed in Tactial Imaging.
Deb has known she was psychic her whole life. One of the biggest catalysts for her career was purchasing her own tarot deck. She had found that in many instances, the Tarot deck was an invaluable tool in divinizing one’s purpose. Getting connected with Tarot marketed the beginning of her journey with discovering and mastering her intuitive abilities.
The Worldwide Metaphysical Tribe
The Worldwide Metaphysical Tribe is the ONLY Networking Event for professional metaphysicians and alternative practitioners!
GALA 10th ANNUAL The Worldwide Metaphysical Tribe
The Worldwide Metaphysical Tribe invites you to Step Into The Flow that many are called to. All those that should be there, will be.